Tips on How to Identify and Fix Brake Problems on Your Car

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sensing brake

One of the leading causes of car crashes is brake failure. Brake-related problems result in about 300,000 crashes every year across America. Regular maintenance is a must to ensure your safety. Read further to understand how to diagnose and fix your brake problems by sensing:

  1. Look or Observe!

Your car can pretty much give you signals or hints if something is going on, from low brake fluid to your speed. Make it a routine to observe and understand the appearance of the red light on your dashboard and see if a maintenance check is needed to be attended to urgently. You can drop by and avail yourself of any of our automotive services in Naperville, IL.

  1. Trust Your Nose!

As we should always have the habit of checking around first before making any trip, we should also consider trusting our sense of smell as there might be a probable leak somewhere. That is when you should take immediate action when you see that yellowish leak under your car. The leakage is at times caused by the wearing of the master and wheel cylinders, calipers, or rubber hoses. And if, during trips, you ever pick up any odor or a bad burnt smell, it’s time to stop and give your car a little chill. The burnt smell is oftentimes caused by overheating. 

  1. Hear Out The Noises!

There are two noises you should learn to distinguish. These are:

  • Squeaky and squealy - Note that the ‘mousey’ sound or the squeaky and squealy sounds are not always that worrisome as it might just be some lodged object, it might cause the wearing of the pad in your braking system. Though high-pitched sounds are an indicator of a metal object or bits of metal in the brake pad. This will be needing immediate attention. 
  • Grinding noise - this type of noise indicates that the pad should be changed or replaced. Slow response when braking is also a sign of a worn pad. 
  1. Feel!

Any vibration, wobbling, or movements that are not supposed to be there or that are felt also indicate something critical that needs attention. This often signals that the rotor is not functioning or serving its purpose. Sometimes, its thickness and thinness are factors that affect the whole of your braking system. 

There are two things needed to be considered when you feel something odd with your brakes. These are: 

  • The soft (spongy) - this will tell you that there is moisture in your braking system. And if the pedal reaches the bottom of the floorboard, there is some potential problem in your master cylinder.
  • The hard pedal - when the pedal requires force, the whole system is in trouble. This involves the wearing of the pad, seized caliper, leakage on the vacuum hose, power booster, and more. 

However, the expertise of our company, Justice Automotive and Collision Centers, offers automotive services in Naperville, IL. and will guarantee you quality services in maintenance and repair with the latest diagnostic equipment. You can reach us at 630-514-8480 to schedule an appointment, or you may visit us at 1680 Quincy Ave. Naperville, IL, 60540, United States. Or email us at for more inquiries. 

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